A Quick Charlotte Mason Summary

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who developed a philosophy of education that focused on the development of the whole person -children are born persons, not just a blank slate. Mason emphasized the importance of developing children's habits, character, and minds through a wide range of experiences and exposures, rather than just teaching academic subjects. Also, showing children the beauty of the world, including nature, art, music, and poetry. 

According to Mason, education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life that should be a natural, enjoyable, and life-long process that helps children develop a love of learning and a sense of personal responsibility. She encouraged a living education inspring the children to do the work, as children are curious and often love independence this can begin the path for whole person development. 

"Living books" or high-quality literature should be a part of a child's education according to Charlotte Mason. Living books are works of literature that are written by an author with a passion for the subject and that bring the subject to life for the reader. According to Mason, living books are written by someone knowledgeable and passionate about the subject, making them more engaging and enjoyable for children than dry textbooks, and they help to cultivate children's imaginations and love of learning.

Mason encouraged the parents to learn her methods to help the child develop their character. Ensuring that the child(ren) were out of doors any time possible, helping strengthen the ability of narration, learning to really notice the details of the things around them and appreciate their beauty. Overall, the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education emphasizes the importance of providing children with a broad and enriching education that helps them develop their full potential as individuals. 

We at Willow Creek Gathers make every attempt to embody the lessons and ideals Charlotte Mason set forth.  We believe our children deserve the best education we can provide.  If you'd like to learn more about how we incorporate these principles, contact us today!