Plutarch Basics

One of the differences in most Charlotte Mason curriculums is that they study Plutarch. Who? Right, I had never heard of him before I found Mason either. But, this post will give you some basics and how to teach this new subject.Plutarch was a Greek histo...
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Year 0 Beginning

In our state, South Carolina, schooling begins for 5-year-old children. While there are ways around starting at this age, that is a whole subject outside of this page. it is essential to focus on age-appropriate subjects that engage their curiosity and fo...
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Why Join a Co-op?

Sometimes people ask if there are reasons to consider being part of a homeschool co-op, and of course maybe it's not for everyone! We truly enjoy our co-op and the sweet friendships that have been made that may not otherwise have started for our entire fa...
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A Quick Charlotte Mason Summary

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who developed a philosophy of education that focused on the development of the whole person -children are born persons, not just a blank slate. Mason emphasized the importance of developing children's habits, charact...
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Narration Is....

Narration is a technique used in the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education to demonstrate the comprehending and processing of the book passage just read in their own words. Not only that, but narration helps the children develop memory, comprehension an...
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